Guardian's Zesty Zoey of Solace - "Zoey"
 PennHip: Left 0.29 Right 0.29 Elbows: OFA Normal
DM test - CLEAR
Zoey joined our family from Solace Shilohs in Washington in 2006.
She is a dark grey sable plush and has a “ready to please” personality with great interest in everything and everyone! She has incredible focus and will tirelessly chase a ball or just travel by your side. She definitely a thinker and loves having a job to do.
Zoey has matured into a stunning girl standing over 29” at her shoulder and weighing over 100 lbs. Her offspring are proving to be very versatile with several working in therapy as well as several that are showing much promise in the SAR field. Zoey is a full sibling to New Zion's Acer. |

Zoey’s PennHip rating puts her at the top of the Shiloh breed.
* Zoey has been retired after producing many outstanding pups and has earned the right to just enjoy being a dog! She has several daughters that are poised to carry on her legacy.
* Click to enlarge images |